Certificate II in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing Trainee Technician Course

Course code : CPP20521

Certificate II in
Fire Protection Inspection and Testing

Trainee Technician Course

Fire Protection Training - Fire Extinguisher course

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certificate II in fire protection inspection and testing


This course is the entry point for commencing a career in the fire protection industry. It covers the key skills and knowledge required to succeed and become a competent fire protection technician. The course is delivered in the workplace with support from fire safety industry experts.

Who’s it for?

‘Certificate ll in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing’ is for routine service technicians employed in the fire protection industry who are in the early stages of developing their skills and knowledge for a successful career.

Are there any special requirements needed to take this course?

  • Participants must be employed in the fire industry or be capable of conducting routine service of specific fire protection equipment under supervision in the workplace.
  •  Participants require access to a personal computer or tablet and have basic computer skills to enable use of the on-line learning system.
Certificate II Fire Protection Inspection Testing Trainee Technician Course CPP20521 Extinguishers

Course Information

What does the course cover?

'Certificate ll in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing' provides participants with the foundation skills and knowledge in key technical areas to get you off to a great start in the fire industry.

The following areas are included:

  • Routine servicing of:
    • Fire Extinguishers
    • Fire Blankets
    • Exit and Emergency Lighting Systems; and
    • Limited Servicing of Fire Hydrant Systems
  • Installation of portable fire extinguishers and blankets
  • Understanding key Australian standards, regulations and codes related to routine servicing of fire protection systems and equipment
  • Maintaining workplace health and safety
  • Ability to organise work schedules and complete tasks safely and efficiently in line with industry standards
  • Providing effective customer service
  • Ability to discuss servicing needs with clients for a range of fire protection systems and equipment
  • Introduction to the classification of fires and extinguishing techniques
  • The use of tools and equipment to install and service fire protection equipment and the maintenance of service vehicles
What are the benefits of taking this course?
  • Provides the foundation skills and knowledge required to succeed in the fire protection industry.
  • Attain skills in key areas of routine servicing of fire protection systems and equipment, covering those systems typically assigned to technicians
    starting out in the industry.
  • Kick start your journey to becoming a highly skilled and valued employee.
  • Completion of the course may satisfy licensing and accreditation requirements across Australia and provide a foundation for future learning.
How long does the course take to complete?
  • This course is self-paced and typically takes 6-12 months to complete.
  • Participants are required to complete the course within 18 months of enrolling.
How is the course delivered?
  • Workplace based learning supported by optional workshops delivered by industry experts.
  • The course is delivered via a distance-based delivery model and supported by an online learning system.
How does the course link to Licensing & Accreditation requirements?

This course will meet licensing and accreditation requirements that have a Certificate II in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing as one of the application requirements.

  • Participants may be required to complete additional courses to meet the specific needs of a particular licence or accreditation.
  • Each state and territory government determines the licence or accreditation requirements for fire protection work in their jurisdiction.  

           Further information on these requirements can be found here.

  • Need help? Let us demystify licensing and accreditation requirements and identify the training you require.                                                               

           Complete our course selection form here.

Additional Training Opportunities

On completion of this course, participants may choose to enrol in other courses that cover servicing of other fire protection systems and equipment or select from any of our professional development courses.

Course Fees

Training Pathway $2,900

  • $1,000 – Required at enrolment
  • Balance payable in instalments of $500 per month

Group Discount for Businesses

  • Enrol three or more participants to be eligible for a group discount. Call to discuss your business needs

Save $580

Pay Only

Offer Ends 31 OCTOBER 2023

Course outcomes

On successful completion of this course, participants will be awarded CPP20521 Certificate II in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing. The course includes the following units of competency:

Unit Code:
Deliver a service to customers
Plan and apply time management
Participate in workplace safety arrangements
Safely move loads and dangerous goods
Identify types of installed fire safety equipment and systems
Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment
Prepare for installation and service operations
Maintain quality of work and promote continuous improvement
Inspect and test fire hose reels
Install portable fire extinguishers, fire cabinets and fire blankets
Conduct routine inspection and testing of fire extinguishers and fire blankets
Inspect and test emergency and exit lighting systems
Inspect and test fire hydrant systems