Fire Protection Industry Training
Looking for a job in the Fire Protection Industry or to enhance your Knowledge with a qualification? Look no further!
The Certificate II & Certificate III in Fire Protection will provide you with the knowledge and skills to have a successful career as a Fire Protection Service Technician.
With the introduction of the NSW Fire Protection and Accreditation Scheme (FPAS) all technicians working in the industry will need to have these qualifications to endorse fire safety measures as an accredited practitioner.
At FIA we dedicate ourselves to raising the level of expertise in fire protection with the introduction of the Certificate II & III in Fire Protection, Inspection and Testing. Fire Industry Academy is also offering Units of Competency required to meet the FPAS Accreditation including:
- Assess Building Plan
- and Inspect Building Fire Safety Systems.
With a combination of face-to-face theory and practical training Fire Industry Academy and Adair Training Solutions will provide a more interactive approach to the Fire Protection training culture. This training will be backed up with a foundation of solid learning material that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
Our trainers in Fire Protection have over 50 years of combined experience in the fire industry, have assisting in writing many of the Australia Standards relating to this field and continue to work with Industry leaders and Associations to keep abreast of the latest information.
Accredited Courses
Fire protection, inspect and testing
Fire protection, inspect and testing
NSW Fire Protection
Accreditor’s Course
Portables Technician
Non- Accredited Courses
Introduction to the
Fire Industry
how to read &
Interpret Building
Individual Units
Introduction to the
Fire Industry
Introduction to the
Fire Industry
Introduction to the
Fire Industry
Introduction to the
Fire Industry